
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)

US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)

US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)
This is a dummy US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade Reproduction / Replica. The M15 (sometimes nicknamed « Willy Pete » for White Phosphorous) was a white phosphorous smoke grenade that was used by the United States during WW2. Each M15 contained 425 grams of white phosphorous with the burn time of about 60 seconds at the very high temperature of over 2,600 degrees Celsius. The typical soldier could throw the grenade at the range of about 30 meters, and the grenade’s damage radius was about 9 meters. The delay time for the typical M6 or M206 fuses was about 4.5 seconds. M15 were intended to be screening weapons, hiding infantry movements with the dense smoke generated by the white phosphorous content, but they were also often used as an extremely effective weapon against enemy infantrymen. In this anti-infantry role, they were notably used in great numbers against Japanese bunkers and caves in the Pacific theater of war, either to burn or to drive out the defenders. About 5,800,000 M15 grenades were produced by Dec 1945. The body and fuse of our M15 repros are made of solid resin. Body and fuse are reeinforced with a metal rod casted vertically from the top of the fuse head to the bottom of the body for better solidity. On original M15 grenades, body and fuse are 2 separate parts screwed together. Our repros body + fuse are casted in 1 solid piece, for durability and production convenience. Also, we consider it is not necessary to unscrew fuse from body for reenactment purposes. The body is then painted grey, with white top. On SMOKE WP grenades, yellow markings indicate the type of grenade, model, lot #, & date of manufacturing. Markings on US ammunitions were stamped (and not stenciled). Paint was applied to a rubber stamp. The ordnance was then rolled over the stamp. This makes irregular markings as you can see on original SMOKE WP grenades. We use the same stamping process. Therefore our markings are not 100% « perfect », which is a plus regarding authenticity! Correct spoons are maybe the most complicated part of the grenade to find or make (for a fair price). We have invested in some heavy machinery, and are now able to make them with correct WW2 specs. Long handle with mechanically stamped long’Y’ stiffener. Cups over the top of the fuse head. Surprisingly, reproduction rings with correct WW2 specs are very hard to find. So here again, we make our own rings. And they look just perfect! Our repro M15 weights around 400g, vs. 880g for an original one. ? This product is made on demand. If you order several pieces, please allow additional time. There may be additional production delays during sales period, due to high volume of orders. ? To ensure durability of the product, do not pull the pin and remove the spoon. This reproduction is made to be used as a simple display element on your gear or in your collection, not as a functional or training device that you can « arm » and/or throw. ? Please be aware that the spoon, safety pin and ring are not made to be used on real grenades, and do not meet any real weapon safety criteria. These are reproductions for dummy props. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE. Once your order is dispatched, we are no longer responsible for lost, held, damaged packages, or any kind of error from carrier. However, for weapon related products replicas, dummy ammunitions, accessories, etc. , please check the export/import custom regulations from France to your country before ordering. ? Although such situations are not systematic, they may happen randomly (10% of the time) for outside-E.
US WW2 M15 White Phosphorus WP Smoke Grenade (Legal Dummy Replica Reproduction)

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Les dimensions de l’album sont de 13,5 X 20 cm. 51 pages contenant des photos imprimées ainsi que deux autres photos supplémentaires. Les photos imprimées sont légendées en japonais et en anglais. Attention certaines de ces photos peuvent être choquantes. La couverture de l’album indique. (Incident de Sibérie). (Album de photographies). Des inscriptions manuscrites sont présentes à l’intérieur. ??? (Taisho 9e année [1920] Commémoration du déploiement en Sibérie). ??????? (Moins 50º pendant l’hiver, en attendant lundi). ? 9? 2? 26 (Taisho 9, 26 février). Kubota Yoshitoshi. ? (Se remémorant ces jours).
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Kilt Véritable The Royal Régiment of Scotland en Tartan
Tailles disponibles : voir votre taille A ttention, Attention, pas le droit aux poignées d’amour taille exacte , bien prendre vos mesures, Envoyé moi un message pour me demandé si votre taille est disponible. Fait mains, 100% pur Laine D’Ecosse, Kilts Tartan Militaire Ecossais Neuf. Fait mains en Ecosse. 100% pur laine d’Ecosse. Kilt pèse plus de 2Kg.
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Allemand WW2
État occasion et vendu dans son jus. Autre photo marquage sur demande.
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